Teresa Camacho
"Guisandera" at Bar Camacho (Anieves, Asturias, Spain)
Teresa Camacho took over the family business, and refurbished it in an original format while maintaining respect for tradition, and so Bar Camacho is still called a bar when it is really a fully-fledged restaurant.
Teresa's parents started up the business, and for decades they made food on a daily basis for local people and those who were passing through. Teresa, meanwhile, got on with her life: she studied, got married, became a mother, and travelled most of Spain thanks to her husband's job.
The couple finally returned to Asturias, and Teresa's parents decided to close down the bar and retire. It was then that Teresa and husband Eugenio decided to refurbish the locale and reopen it to continue the offer of traditional Asturias cooking.