

Jairo Rodríguez

Chef at Casa Roble (Lena, Asturias, Spain)

Simultaneously straddling classic cookery and state-of-the-art cuisine, Jairo Rodríguez serves up balanced, tasty Asturias fare.

After a few years at Real Balneario de Salinas, Jairo Rodríguez reckoned it was time to launch his own project, and along with Paula Lama (in charge of the restaurant floor), he opened a restaurant in Lena. 

The culinary fare is a combination of the roots of Paula, a native of Lena, and those of Jairo, from the Asturias coast. Jairo works with local products, but does not forsake sea produce. Casa Roble also focuses on transforming the produce it uses, and so they have jam made from the figs they grow, they make their own bread, and they even skin and debone their own anchovies from the Cantabrian Sea.

Jairo Rodríguez



Asturias Cocina Paisaje Paraíso Natural


Fagor Profesional Reale Seguros


Ayuntamiento de Langreo Coalla Ecomuseo Minero Valle de Samuño Garcia Rodriguez Hermanos Le Nouveau Chef Makro Sobrescobiu